Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Always look on the bright side ....

This made me smile and I'm dedicating it to my mate "Belle" over at Family in Freefall because I think she's having quite a crap time of it all just now and deserves a laugh.



belle said...

Cheers! What a fabulous way to start the day :) Thank you so much, I love Monty Python and this always makes me laugh - you're a darling x

BabaMzungu said...

I thought I was going through a shitty time until I read Belle's blog. Now my life seems perfect - well, nearly.
I have realsied that my only problems are caused by frustration - frustration at my own shortcomings, the speed at which bureaucracy works, frustration at how long it takes me to stint and scrape the money together to get back to the country and people I love.
But at least I know that it is all there for the taking. I am certain of where I am going and what I am going to do once I get there.
Thanks MC, and thanks Belle.